Yesterday, Time.com published "Space Cowboys," an in-depth business story on the New Space Race, covering every player from promiment Virgin Galactic to secretive Benson Space Co. About the Land of Enchatment, Time says: "New Mexico sees itself as a Silicon Valley of space, a place where an industry cluster could develop, absorbing investment and throwing off jobs as it does. When state economic-development secretary Rick Homans, chairman of the New Mexico Spaceport Authority, saw the list of global companies participating in the X Prize in 2004, he says it suddenly dawned on him that the new space industry might look like the early computer industry--a bunch of crazy guys. 'They start with chaotic, crazy inventors and entrepreneurs--colorful characters. . .'" The story is also featured prominently in the March 5, 2007 print edition, pictured above.
Yes, it is about time.
I have been waiting over 50 years to get to space, and I am tired of waiting, so I a am doing it myself.
I have been lucky in a variety of entrepreneurial ventures over the years, and now find myself starting Benson Space Company in order to build and commercially fly the Dream Chaser, based on a NASA design, reverse engineered from a successful Soviet orbital vehicle.
Our main (and only>) competitor is Virgin Galactic, but we are on-schedule, on-budget, and see no technical hurdles ahead.
If we continue to raise funds at an appropriate rate, we are assured of being first to market with the safest and lowest cost personal spaceflight system. If that is successful, we only need to add more propulsion and thermal protection,and we will have a proven orbital vehicle with flight heritage.
Onward adn upward!
Jim Benson
For a chance to go to space, visit:
Good luck!
How cool is it to hear from Jim Benson!
The article was done with a great respect for the companies and individuals involved. I was very pleased with the amount of information that was delivered to the public and the quality with which it was delivered.
This is indeed an exciting time!
Since when did the muslims hate Branson?
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